Watsons Award Voting System

Beauty retailer, Watson, holds an annual year end campaign to recognize and celebrate the best products, as voted by their customers. The objective is to encourage customers to participate in the awards and voting throughout the duration of the event.


Interface Design, Icon Design, Prototyping


Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects
User insights
To know how we might encourage the customers throughout the process, we need to know how the users feel towards the event and voting rules.
  • With 300 shortlisted beauty products across six categories, navigating through them could be a bit of a challenge. Structure of navigation needs to be clear, showing relation of the product and its category.
  • Users are encourage to vote for a favorite product in each category. Most of the time they would jump from one category to another, making their progress hard to track. We need to show how far they have gone throughout voting.
  • After their votes each day, they are allowed to revisit and vote again the following day. They may not be motivated to check back consecutively. Give encouragement to attract users to take action.
    Site structure and vote progress
    The actual voting page is layout in a file structure format. Every category leads to a deeper subset, the subset then shows all the products at the right panel. This split view also made it easier for users to track their progress, that when a vote is placed, an indication appears next to the subset category.
    Encourage return voters
    Throughout the event period, customers are encouraged to come back and vote for the products they like. To create incentives for returning voters, a reward for daily login streak was suggested. When customers logged back consecutively, they earn extra bonus points. We also remind users in the homepage, with a countdown, the number of days left till the event ends. This also adds a ceremonious feel to the event, unveiling the winning products.